how it's look like? see below..
BB cream is very famous now and many MM looking for it o.. it's a skincare product but also can be called as cosmetic o.. why? let's see the details below.
# Whitening/ Wrinkles improvement Ultraviolet rays interception SPF25 PA++ KFDA 3 functions certification.
# 3 effects functional blemish balm.# Intercept ultraviolet rays UV A and B at the same time (SPA25++UVA & UVB), protect your skin exposed from the sun more thoroughly.
# excellent cover function by composition of makeup base and foundation. It can correct your irregularly different skin tones naturally. At the some time by use of fine and soft texture porosity powder is excellent for your skin adhesion and sebum control. This is W/S shape which is good for skin affinity and it make your skin light, soft and dry all day without that skin gooney.
SKIN79十合一完美乳BB SUPER+ CREAM是韩国最IN的『保养化妆品』。
• 润色,修饰暗沉肤色。
• 使肌肤柔嫩光滑。
• 阻挡紫外线,有效隔离UVA及UVB。
• 美白。
• 除皱。
• 365天控制皮脂。
• 保护肌肤不受外界有害物质损害。 滋养肌肤。
• 恢复皮肤弹力。
• 完美底妆效果
防皱/美白/紫外线阻挡/基础化妆/粉底/皮质管理/皮肤保护/弹力恢复/营养/保湿此款产品的防晒功效特别好, 在韩国被叫做夏日专用款, 实际上它卓越紫外线隔离效果也是365日我们都需要的.由于含有了防皱等保养功效, 更适合于23岁以后的女性使用.
吸收迅速而清爽的感觉使皮肤感觉舒适, UVA&UVB双重紫外线隔离效果使皮肤即使在阳光下也感觉舒适自如.在公害, 疲劳, 干燥等外部环境中可以保护皮肤不受侵害.此款修颜效果最佳,是MM们对完美肌肤追求的最佳伴侣.
ok.. let's see the result for it.
before after
you can see the skin become very smooth, and the coverage also not bad, i only apply very little o.. for better result, you can apply 2nd round after 15-30 minutes again.