Tuesday, June 09, 2009


wuhu.. so excited to try out my new bought ampoules..

one for me n darling, one for parents..

going to try it out tonight..

Monday, April 20, 2009

Damai Puri Resort & Spa-Part 3

it's swimming pool at Damai Puri Resort & Spa! take a look!

children swimming pool

adult swimming pool, new swimming pool is much nice than before.

swim and feel the sea..

Damai Puri Resort & Spa-Part 2

ok, in part 2 of Damai Puri Tour, show some beautiful scenery and the room at there.

night scene at the lobby

a small bar at the lobby

the room, not bad right?

Damai Puri is quite strict now if compared with Damai Lagoon (previous), don't let them know how many people sleep in a room or they'll charge you extra bed o..

the bathroom
view from room

the chalet units are still in progress
check out for Part 3

Monday, April 13, 2009

Damai Puri Resort & Spa Part 1

yup, finally post the photos of Damai Puri Resort & Spa. Let's 'enjoying' !

it's the lobby...

some exterior design of the resort..


yes, fish..

night scene at the lobby..

stay tuned for the part 2

Friday, March 20, 2009

Shills Whitening Mud Mask-Green綠哇哇淨白泥漿面膜

bought this at lowyat.net, for oily and blemish pore mm.. found it quite nice as after using it feel my face very smooth and pore becomes tight o.. happy to have 1..

Monday, February 16, 2009


2009 年的第一个月,我换了新的工作,但在快要一个月的时候,我却放弃了。那是一间很大的公司,许多人想要进去都没机会,我却放弃了这个也许对许多人来说的好机会。连这么好的机会都放弃了,我还想要做什么?为什么放弃?因为我实在很难受,因为我太软弱了!坚强不下去!

我发现我已失去一种动力,现在的我就好像没有了方向,宁愿在家帮忙也不愿在外工作,这是目前的想法。我能够当现代的女性吗?现在的我只能回答:我不能。我不够独立也不够成熟。人际关系也没好到哪里去。想想。。 我已经24岁了,怎么可以这副德性?我的目标是什么?我要就这样下去吗?我觉得自己真是糟糕。

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